Ride For Mo 2023 Recap

The winding road to Heaven’s Bench with Burke Mountain in the distance.
May 13th, 2023, marked the inaugural Ride For Mo event in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont.
It was not a race but a community mountain bike and gravel ride where we joined Moriah’s spirit on the roads and trails she grew up on and loved. This ride was about bringing the community together with gratitude for life and inspiring each other to face the hard climbs together.
All riders began at Heaven’s Bench on the Darling Hill Ridge and headed out on a 26 or 52 mile loop around Burke Mountain and the Kirby ridge, while the mountain bikers explored the Kingdom Trails network.
The post-ride celebration commenced on the big field below the Wildflower inn, where riders enjoyed beer from Lawson’s Finest Liquids and food from local food trucks, while listening to live music from the Bald Mountain Boys.
Specialized donated a mountain bike to raffle off and there was a surprise drawing of prizes provided by Rebecca Rusch. Throughout this beautiful spring day there was a connected energy of joy that reminded us all of the special way cycling can bring people together.
Thank you to all the volunteers, donors, and riders for making this special event possible!
All proceeds from entry fees benefited Kingdom Kids – a local non-profit dedicated to enriching the lives of children through outdoor adventure.

Post-ride celebration at the Wildflower Inn.

The Bald Mountain Boys playing under the Gazebo

Specialized offering mechanical support for the day.

Kingdom Kids hosted aid station 1 on the Kirby Ridge.

Eric Wilson welcomes riders at the start while reflecting on Mo’s life and legacy.

Wood-fired pizza provided by Colavita.

Riders pedaling out on the beautiful Darling Ridge Road.