Riders coming down Heaven’s Bench at the start of the ride.
2nd Annual Ride For Mo, May 11, 2024
This year’s bike event was quite significant as it took place on May 11th.
There’s so much sadness around that date but everyone involved helped turn that sorrow into a day of Joy. It really felt so much like a celebration of life. Of her life and our lives all intertwined like a beautiful tapestry.
The Wilson family wants you all to know how much your love and support helps us move forward. It’s a tough journey but our faith and our community lightens the load. People need people and no-one should go it alone when times get tough. All 300 spots filled up this year and the positive energy abounded. We raised about $34,000 and about $10,000 of that came from the bike raffle. Moriah not only worked for Specialized but was also sponsored by them. Their generous donation of the Epic 8 Expert mountain bike is just amazing-congratulations to Harper Favreau who was the lucky recipient and just happened to be one of Moriah’s childhood friends! We look forward to supporting organizations that will make a difference because of this one bike event. Moriah asked herself in her journal “what kind of mark do I want to leave in this life?”. Well, her mark continues to be made through all of us and it’s beautiful.
A big shout out to Miguel Crawford founder of the Grasshopper Adventure Series in CA for raising funds to support the Moriah Wilson Foundation. The Ukiah-Mendo Gravel Epic was held on May 11th this year as well. You can read more about that at https://grasshopperadventureseries.com/rides/ukiah-mendo-epic/
Another shout out to Fabian Serralta who heads up the Gravel Locos in Texas. This bike race was held a week after ours and landed on Moriah’s birthday. This was the race she had planned to do before her life was cut short. Fabian linked our website to his platform and has gifted our foundation generously. He hopes to attend our ride next spring! You can see more here https://www.gravellocos.bike
Thank you all dearly for being incredible and gracious with your support for Ride For Mo and the Moriah Wilson Foundation.

Happy volunteers selling raffle tickets for the Specialized MTB Bike.

Families enjoying Colavita Pizza in the sun.

Specialized mechanic Joe Wilson and his friend Clare offering support throughout the day.

Riders in line for the Spicy Spoke food truck.

Brett Hughes and Friends provide entertainment at the post-ride gathering.

Moriah’s mom, Karen, standing beside a banner of Moriah.